Double-Stacked Too Mini Album

One of my past mini albums was called Double-Stacked, because of the way the pages were bound into the album. Here’s a picture, and you can check out the show & tell video here.

Anyway, I thought it was time for a sequel 🙂 ! It’s called Double-Stacked Too, which seemed a fitting word play for a second iteration of a design, and I’m very happy to show it to you this week.

It’s all about your vacation pictures: chances are you have many of them, and don’t know how to display them without having to stick them in an enormously bulky album, or have them fade into forgetfulness after a quick browse on the small screen of your smart phone. Well, if you can relate to this, I may have designed the perfect album for you! For this piece is of a modest size, isn’t bulky at all and can still hold at least 80 of your printed pictures. More if you add some photo collaging into the mix, as I have.

There’s a tutorial waiting for you in my shop of course, about which I have a great announcement: this is a video tutorial series, instead of a written manual! I’m so happy that I finally found a way to create one and make it available to you all. It’s still an experiment though, it may very well be that I’ll be coming up with more sophisticated ways of offering these in the future. But I wanted to get it out there as soon as I could, which I’m glad I was able to!

The way this works is, you make the purchase in my Etsy shop. You then get the (written) pdf companion tutorial, plus instruction on how to get the video tutorial. Please note that you will need a Google account, as I’ll be sharing the files through Google Drive.

Gosh, I’m so happy with this I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you will like it too, enough to support me by purchasing the tutorial. I’ll be counting how many of you will make a purchase, to help me decide whether I should continue with video tutorials or not. You can of course also leave a comment below to let me know anything you’d like to share about this, or the album, or basically anything you like 🙂

I’ll post a show & tell video here as soon as I can. Meanwhile, enjoy the pictures, and of course the video tutorial available in my shop.

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