So, Leftover Scraps Are Beautiful Too You Know…

As you may have noticed I really like to use up every last bit of paper I’m using, both the design paper AND the cardstock. So here’s two cards I created with what little I had left from two previous projects. And I’m pretty convinced that if I hadn’t said anything you wouldn’t have noticed these two pieces of postal happiness are actually created from leftovers – for there’s nothing measly about them at all! 🙂

The first card is made from a single strip of cardstock, folded just so, and with a piece of decorative chipboard-turned-magnetized-closure.

The second card is a napkin-fold card with a gloriously embellished belly band. You can make one yourself quite easily – Yes you can! Just watch my free video tutorial and have at it!

So go ye’ all, beeth the Frugallest of Crafters and enjoyeth thee with thy Scraps! 🙂



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