Paper walkthrough: DCWV’s Serenity

As a nice contrast to Bo Bunny’s design paper by the same name, I’m showing you a Serenity paper again – but this time by DCWV!

Could the differences have been any greater? Color, style, theme, texture, you name it!

The design stacks do have one thing in common though: they are both gorgeous! 🙂

Click here if you don’t see the video below.

DCWV - Serenity 4

Paper walkthrough: K&Company’s “Olive Tree”

Today I’d like to show you Olive Tree by K&Company, a 12×12 inch (30×30 cm) design paper stack in beautiful “woody” colors. Mostly brown and beige, with green and red accents. Probably not for everyone, but if you’re in the market for something different and sophisticated, this might be just the stack for you!

Click here if you don’t see the video below / Klik hier als je geen filmpje ziet.