Most of us can’t go to our nail techs these days, so here’s a way to do some great nails yourself! You can do it straight onto your own (polished) nails, or if you have any falsies, use them instead.
Happy New Year!

Most of us can’t go to our nail techs these days, so here’s a way to do some great nails yourself! You can do it straight onto your own (polished) nails, or if you have any falsies, use them instead.
Happy New Year!
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar – Happy New Year!
Thank you all for your support and encouragement in 2019! I wish you many blessings, inspiration and of course creativity for 2020 – may at least one of your dreams come true!
Papers used: Graphic 45 – Midnight Masquerade collection
Techniques used: matting, layering, die-cutting, stamping, corner punching, inking around the edges
Extra interest items: dimensional tape, glitter glue, corner chomper
On this last day of my Five Days of Christmas Card Styles, I’m sharing the shutter card. This is a simpler variation of the tri-shutter card, of which I’ve made several variations in previous blog posts, here, here, here and here.
I always find any iteration of this shutter type card fun to make, because you can use your 6×6″ papers in endless variations, cutting them to size and combining them continuingly.
For this stack, I used the following materials:
The fourth of my five Christmas card styles concerns Cards with Flaps. This is one of the easiest cards to make while still adding some sophistication and uniqueness in comparison to regular cards.
All flaps are based on ATC card measurements (3×4″ and 4×6″), so they are perfect if you have a lot of pocket journalling cards to use up!
I used the same materials as I did with the Luxurious style (#1), a couple of blog posts ago:
Today it’s time for my Christmas card style #3: Multiple Collections, Small Labels & Cutting Corners!
Materials used:
Today I’m sharing the second of my Christmas card styles: Shabby Chic Layering!
Materials used:
Btw, the title in the video states it’s #3, but it’s not of course. My bad. Just ignore it and blame the Christmas spirit (or something).
The coming week I’m sharing five days of Christmas cards with you all! 🙂 Starting today, with style #1: Luxurious.
Materials used:
Last week I shared a so-called Eternal Calendar with you, usable for as many years as you please. Otherwise known as a birthday calendar 😉 – although as long as the actual calendar part is replaceble, like mine, you could do an actual calendar (where the dates actually match the weekdays).
As I shared with you in my previous blogpost. I’m actually creating two versions of this type of layout calendar, one for my mom and one for myself. I’ll share them both, in three or four parts:
So here’s part 2, created with Graphic 45’s gorgeous Time to Flourish collection, enjoy!
My dear creative readers and subscribers, I wish you all the very happiest of new years! May all of your dreams come true, or at least a little nearer 😉
And I want to thank you all for supporting my efforts by following this blog and subscribing to it. All of you together have generated more than 12.000 views of my blog! Or, as WordPress’s annual report tells me, if it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 4 sold-out performances for that many people to see it. 🙂
You guys come from 92 countries all over the world! Most visitors came from The United States. Netherlands & U.K. were not far behind. But I’m also giving shout outs to Canada, India, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, Israel, Russian Federation, Hungary, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Slovenia, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Finland, Portugal, Suriname, Japan, Mexico, Vietnam, Peru and New Zealand! *waving hi!* 🙂 And many more countries apparently, but WordPress stats don’t show those to me. So a shout out to all of you guys in unnamed countries as well, thank you so much for stopping by, and hopefully you’re staying for a while – and please tell your friends, for some of you are the single unique person in your entire countries to visit my blog 🙂 !
I don’t have many New Year’s resolutions, but here’s one: I want to open a webshop this year – and I don’t mean my current Shop page, but a “real” webshop.
Maybe through Etsy’s or a comparable webshop provider. This is a huge challenge for me, for I have to figure out everything for myself, build the webshop and, most importantly and biggest challenge of all, FILL the webshop with products! Which when I start will primarily consist of downloadable tutorials for my projects. So, great plans and I hope you guys will stay tuned! 🙂
To start off the new year, I’d like to share a so-called Eternal Calendar with you. By which I mean that you can use it for as many years as you please. (You could also call it a birthday calendar, but eternal sounds so much better don’t you think? 😉 )
I’m actually creating TWO of this type of layout calendar, one for my mom and one for myself. I’ll share them both, in four parts:
So here’s part 1, created with Graphic 45’s beautiful Place in Time collection, enjoy!