Free Tutorial: Working with Nail Decals

Handpainting your own nails is one thing – and I need lots more practicing! – but using decals instead is a whole different category! It’s easy, quick, with consistency in image quality and – most importantly – your nails will look gorgeous!

This week I show you how I apply them to fake nails; you could of course apply them to your own nails, but that is more difficult unless you’re seriously ambidextrous…

Decorating your own nails – with papercraft supplies?!

Here’s part 1 of what will probably become a new monthly or bi-monthly Nail Art series – hopefully – or else at least Attempted nail art…). Anyway, this week’s video offers you a nail art tutorial, using not just nail polish but also some of my scrapbooking supplies like blings, flatback pearls, and even glitter glue. Because, why not 😉

I’m also showing you my secret to doing your left hand (when right-handed; and vice versa): use press-on nails with a very strong nail glue. These will last you 7-10 days and are a lot more budget-friendly than a monthly visit to a nail salon.

My goal is to learn more and more sophisticated techniques, delivering better art every time I try my hand at it. I’ll leave it up to you guys to be the judges of my progress…

Hope you’ll enjoy joining me on this new venture – this is just a bonus by the way, this will stay a papercraft blog 🙂

Leave a comment below, and click the thumbs up if you like the new experiment 🙂