Decorating your nails is a fun passtime in between two papercraft projects! Special times like holidays or Valentine’s Day offer great opportunities to doll up, so this February I went for it – again 🙂

Decorating your nails is a fun passtime in between two papercraft projects! Special times like holidays or Valentine’s Day offer great opportunities to doll up, so this February I went for it – again 🙂
Handpainting your own nails is one thing – and I need lots more practicing! – but using decals instead is a whole different category! It’s easy, quick, with consistency in image quality and – most importantly – your nails will look gorgeous!
This week I show you how I apply them to fake nails; you could of course apply them to your own nails, but that is more difficult unless you’re seriously ambidextrous…
In this nail vlog I’m sharing how to attach some fake nails that did not come pre-glued. I also show you where and how you need to pay some extra attention in order to avoid a common – and painful – mistake!
Here’s part 1 of what will probably become a new monthly or bi-monthly Nail Art series – hopefully – or else at least Attempted nail art…). Anyway, this week’s video offers you a nail art tutorial, using not just nail polish but also some of my scrapbooking supplies like blings, flatback pearls, and even glitter glue. Because, why not 😉
I’m also showing you my secret to doing your left hand (when right-handed; and vice versa): use press-on nails with a very strong nail glue. These will last you 7-10 days and are a lot more budget-friendly than a monthly visit to a nail salon.
My goal is to learn more and more sophisticated techniques, delivering better art every time I try my hand at it. I’ll leave it up to you guys to be the judges of my progress…
Hope you’ll enjoy joining me on this new venture – this is just a bonus by the way, this will stay a papercraft blog 🙂
Leave a comment below, and click the thumbs up if you like the new experiment 🙂