Purchase or Pass: Mintay’s new Graceful collection

With Valentine’s and spring around the corner, many design paper brands are announcing their new collections, no doubt generating a whole new wave of desire, temptation and all out shopping sprees among us, their doting clients 🙂

Which is why I thought I’d try my hand at a new series, which I think I’m going to call Purchase or Pass. The idea is that I’ll be making up my mind “live” on camera whether or not to buy one such new collection, shopping my stash and sharing my thought process with you all.

Let me know if this kind of video is helpful to you and if you would be interested in seeing more of where this came from! If you’d like me to make up my mind on a specific collection (perhaps one you yourself are tempted by) let me know in the comments below!

This episode: Mintay’s Graceful collection

Mintay will be coming out with four new collections, one of which is called Graceful. It’s a lovely, romantic, lavender & light turquoise spring collection, with their gorgeous, signature graphic design style.

To make up my mind whether I’ll purchase this or whether I can resist the temptation, I’ll be comparing it to several collection from my stash, of which I’ll show some pictures below.

Enjoy the video, stay crafty!

Collections I found after shopping my stash

Studio Light: La Provence (several sheets)

Stash Chronicles: pt. 1 – Paper Collection Overview (and how I keep track of all of it)

Happy New Year everyone! 🙂

One of the ideas I’m considering for my blog and Youtube channel, is something I mentioned briefly in one of my recent videos, namely: to log my journey towards buying less papercraft stuff, and shopping my stash more instead.

Although 2021 will not be a No Buy year for me by any means – I’m also a paper collector after all 😉 – I still want to use more of what I already own, instead of growing my collection while never using it.

Well, we’ll see how it goes. Like I said, it’s a journey. 😉

Also, it gives me the opportunity to share the (joy of the) collecting side of papercrafting: how to store, categorize and most importantly keep track of everything my paper supply comprizes. I’m of course hoping this will be of some use to you too!

Anyway, here’s to the start of this new year for me, I hope you’ll accompany me on my travels for as long as you like 🥂 🙂

Anything specific you’d like me to show in my next posts? Let me know in the comments!

Five Christmas paper stacks (walkthrough)

Here’s five lovely Christmas paper stacks, a demo to inspire your Christmas holiday crafting wish list :-). (You will be able to watch yet a sixth – My Mind’s Eye’s Holly Jolly paper pad – when I’ll post my Christmas card video, probably next week).

So, enjoy your holiday shopping in your local craft store or on the interwebs!

The paper collections shown in this video are:

  • Tis the Season (Kaisercraft)
  • Kris Kringle (S.E.I.)
  • Christmas Day (Carta Bella)
  • Waiting for Santa (Webster’s Pages)
  • North Country (Prima Marketing)

Plus two separate 12×12 sheets:

  • Glistening labels & tags (Authentique)
  • Infuse (Basic Grey)