Scrap with me tutorial #4: Matting

Hello everyone,

As this beautiful summer is slowly preparing itself for the transition into autumn, I’m sharing what will be the last of my series of four video tutorials on basic papercrafting techniques. Today’s topic is matting: how to determine your measurements, taking into account the width of the margins you would like all around. Of course I’m incorporating both centimeters and inches into my explanation, to cater to all of you 🙂 .

In the video I’m also referring to an earlier tutorial of mine, concerning the matting of a wooden box (outside and inside), which I of course also shared on this blog, with that specific video tutorial embedded.

Hopefully all of this is helpful for you – if you still have any questions, let me know by leaving a comment! If you know anyone else who might find this useful, please share this on your social media. And please like & subscribe to never miss any of my posts again 🙂


Zoo Adventure – a Folders & Pockets Album

I was pondering a new design of mini album, one that would not only be able to hold a lot of pictures, but would also make it easy to add still more pictures that you forgot in your first round of filling the album. Eventually I came up with this week’s project: the Folders & Pockets Album

With this fun new design you’ll be able to shuffle the pictures in your album at any moment, and add to their number endlessly. Also, of course, these same folders and pockets offer plenty of easy room for your tickets, receipts and other memorabilia! No more tedious glueing your pictures to the pages, just stick them into the folders and pockets and be done with it 🙂

Check out the video below to see it! If you’d like some more inspiration, check out the second version I created, with a completely different theme and papers. And if you feel inspired to create your own, as a gift or for yourself, please check out the written tutorial – with almost 250 clear pictures and easy-to-follow instructions.

Have fun, see you next week!


A Christmas micro album

A short while ago I created a Christmas mini album, using Kaisercraft’s ‘Tis the Season paper pad. Of course I had some scraps left over and I put them to good use, creating another one of my micro albums. And it’s turned out very cute – especially when you see it next to its ‘big sister’! 🙂

Of course there are a lot of my scrap mats in this little micro, and you can check out my tutorial on those if you want to try your hand at them as well.

Enjoy the video!

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